Oregon Alimony Laws and Spousal Support

Oregon Alimony Issues & Resources

Oregon Alimony

Oregon alimony or spousal support may be awarded to either party based upon the following factors:
  • the need for and the time necessary to acquire sufficient education and training to enable the spouse to find appropriate employment to become self-supporting, and that spouse's future earning capacity;

  • the standard of living during the marriage; 

  • the duration of the marriage;

  • the comparative financial resources of the spouses, including their comparative earning abilities in the labor market; 

  • the tax consequences to each spouse;

  • the age of the spouses;

  • the physical and emotional conditions of the spouses; 

  • the usual occupation of the spouses during the marriage; 

  • the vocational skills and employability of the spouse seeking support;

  • any custodial and child support responsibilities; 

  • the educational level of each spouse at the time of the marriage and at the time the divorce is filed for; 

  • any life insurance; 

  • the costs of health care;

  • the extent that a spouse's earning capacity is impaired due to absence from the job market to be homemaker and the extent that job opportunities are unavailable considering the age of the spouse and the anticipated length of time for appropriate training; and

  • the contribution of each spouse to the marriage, including services rendered in homemaking, child care, education, and career building of the other spouse; (16) any long term financial obligations, including legal fees; (17) any child support obligations; and (18) any other factor the court deems just and equitable.

If one party has not worked for a long period of time but served as homemaker while the other party worked at an economically advantageous position due to the joint efforts of both spouses, alimony or spousal support will be awarded as compensation.

The spouse receiving Oregon alimony or spousal support must make a reasonable effort to become self-supporting within 10 years or the support may be terminated.

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