Missouri Divorce Laws, Child Support, and Attorneys

Missouri Divorce Issues & Resources

Missouri Divorce

Missouri Divorce Residency Requirements

To file for Missouri divorce, one of the parties must be a State residence for 90 days before filing for divorce.

Missouri Divorce Filing Requirements

A Missouri divorce should be filed in the county where the filing party resides.

Missouri Divorce Grounds

The only ground for Missouri divorce is an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage where there is no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved. If the other party contests these grounds for divorce, the party requesting the divorce must show 

  • adultery, incompatibility;

  • six months' abandonment;

  •  living apart by mutual consent for one year; or 

  • two years of living separate and apart.

Expedited Missouri Divorce Procedure

 The parties may file a joint petition for Missouri divorce.

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