Child Custody Support

By Staff Writer

If you receive child custody support, it's important to maintain a friendly relationship with your former spouse. If you have primary custody, meaning that your children live with you most of the time, and you are their primary care-giver, you probably rely heavily on child custody support help. Exactly how to structure your primary custody arrangement with your ex is up to you; however, the more considerate you are of his or her needs, the easier it will be to guarantee continuing child support and to maintain a secure environment for your children.

For example, don't try to shut your ex-spouse out of your children's lives by regimenting or limiting their visitations. Most state divorce laws now insist on flexible and expanded visitations to prevent spouses from using visitations as manipulative weapons against each other. Share report cards, photos, homework assignments and school achievements with your former spouse. Let your ex know the play dates for athletic events, plays and musical recitals that your children are participating in.

Child Custody Support--Keep Communicating
It's also important to keep your ex-spouse informed of any medical problems your kids may have. This is even more important if the children are included in his or her health care plan or HMO. Let your ex-spouse know well in advance when you will be taking the kids out of town.

It's common courtesy to talk over birthdays, holidays, and special outings, and plan them with your ex so that the children have maximum enjoyment of these events. Even if you have primary custody, it's important to share these events with your former spouse, and allow them to celebrate these time with your children. Consult your former spouse on any major decisions you have made which will affect the lives of your children. In order to continue a workable, mutually supportive relationship for the well-being of your children, honesty and openness are key.